Monday, November 23, 2009

Bianca C

Every time we go back to Bianca C we discover new sites of it and have incredible encounters. Last week we had our good friend and photographer Claus with us. He took some great shots of rebreather diving the huge wreck of Bianca C. Enjoy!

Another new deeper reef

During our Trimix user course we started to look for deeper reefs on Grenada's west coast. BY accident we stumbled upon a great spot to the west of Bianca C. We knew this ridge exists, but had only dived it twice so far and not extensively due to its depth of 35 to 70 m. Now we took a bit more time and went along the ridge. We found an incredible spot of black corals and large colonies of tiny shrimp. We will continue to investigate this spot more, as it was our first invasion of the deep we call it Heartbreak Ridge. We have to go back and shoot more photos, only one for now.